Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Luck Or Lack Thereof

One of the many shocking things about this fire is the randomness with which it burned through Rancho Santa Fe. Only in a small number of places, such as on the east side of Zumaque, did the fire claim several neighboring structures. In other areas, one can drive for a while without seeing any sign of fire ... and suddenly run across a swath of blackened land and a home completely destroyed. The flames seem to have traveled through the low-lying creek and canyon areas, such as the one off of Via Monalex, above. The house from whose driveway I took that image — 7098 — was totally unharmed, though the flames came within feet of it. But the structure next door, 7097 (seen at top) was totally destroyed.

Another burned-out creek area (above) behind Avenida Luis.

Utilities crews from SDG&E and AT&T are in the area today checking on power and telephone lines. Shown above are Dan and Benny, two Primary Assessors for SDG&E who are reporting downed power lines. It's not the easiest job in the world — they said they had to make four or five calls to various authorities to figure out where to go. And then they have to contend with hotspots, hidden areas in the ground that aren't smoking but may be very, very hot and still in danger of flaring up. "I just feel sorry for all these people," Benny, at right, said about the fire and evacuation. "But it's for their own safety." He said his own home was full of relatives fleeing Ramona blazes. Below, the house they were working near: 16910 Avenida Luis.

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